Thursday, May 8, 2014

My Last Year

Well this is my last year of my 20's.  Now I'm not like some people I love the fact that I'm getting older.  I am gaining more confidence as the days go by.  I have this feeling that as I get older my life will starting coming together.  Ok, the last statement might just be my hope for the future but it's always good to hope for something.

To this being my last year in my 20's I am trying to come up with ideas of things to do before I hit the 30th year of life.

So far Bill and I have come up with this list -

1.  Coal Juggling
2.  Milk a Cow
3.  Go On A Blimp
4.  Climb Saddle Mountain
5.  Skydive
6.  Pay Off the Credit Card (the final and last time)

Any other suggestions would be fun.

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