Monday, March 21, 2011

Red Riding Hood

Well we saw the movie when we were in Spokane. It was interesting. It was a definitely a different take on the old story of Red Riding Hood. The movie however wasn't scary like I thought it might have been. The music used was actually different. It didn't set the mood for being scary. The ending though was not the greatest. It was different and a surprise but I don't think the writer should've gone for the unobvious or surprise. The surprise didn't work not really. I would give in 3 out of 5 stars. Not good but definitely not bad. Definitely a must see movie for the difference in the stories. The dark version.

Weekend Drive

This weekend Mama Griffith and I went on a nice 8 hour drive to Spokane. The drive was fun until we hit the boring part of Washington. Brown and Flat. We got to see 2 friends Marie on the way up and then Rebecca in Spokane, the reason for the trip. We had set up this trip about 6 months ago. Definitely having a plan and having it planned well in advance was and always is the way to go. We went through Tacoma and around to Spokane on the way there and then south to 84 on the way back. It was nice to see the country going the two different ways.

While in Spokane we made Rebecca take us around. Going to the mall, getting endless amounts of coffee, movies, and guitar center. Yes, yes we did go to Guitar Center. Mama Griffith wanted to check out their banjos and while we were there I decided to get an electric tuner for my ukelele.

It was a fun weekend all in all. I was so excited to see Rebecca and to hear all the stories about how she got engaged. It was nice to be in Spokane it's been at least 8 years since I was there. Yep, the weekend was a success.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Vanilla Souffle

Well I tried it. It wasn't the best at all. Either I need a different recipe or I think in my case more vanilla to overpower the egg taste. It wasn't that it was bad but it definitely wasn't the greatest for a dessert. I think that I'm going to try a different recipe and try again. Put more vanilla in it in my case. If anyone knows of a great recipe for a souffle you should give me a recipe.

God's Valley Road

This afternoon after church Bill, Matthew, Allie, and I went up God's Valley Rd. The road was gravel and since our truck is old and doesn't have great shocks was very bouncy. It was tiring bouncy up and down in the seat. We went up to the end of the gravel road and took a stoll up and down the meadow that is up there. Stormy was also there being the dog she is having fun running, playing, and kind of gross but eating the deer and elk poop. Matthew also brought his gun which we shot at a really small target which I got no where near. The thing is though I think that I want to buy a gun and shot at targets to get better. It was fun.

Yes the picture above is crazy with ants. There was a ant hill swarming with hundreds of ants looking like they all had berrys with them.