Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Home

Our home.  It's getting closer and closer to being done.  I know that the projects will never actually be done but at least the ones this year will be.  I'm hoping in August they will all get complete and we will move onto the inside of the house.  Floors, Countertops, Bathroom.  Next summer I hope to put in our Fire pit that we are going to make.  I know that it seems that it would be something easy to do but we want a brick pad, the pit and then chairs around it.  It will look really nice I think.  Its so much fun to be able to do it all things that we want to do with the house.  Pictures of course will come as things are getting done.


B said...

Your house makes me smile when I drive by. :o) You have taken it from dated, plain, older house to Wow! It doesn't even look like the same place! You guys are doing such a great job and have such good taste! I keep hoping the remodel fairy will come redo the outside of my house but it appears the only hope for it is to go the blood, sweat, and tears route like everyone else ;o)

The Cloth Addict said...

It is looking great!! I can't wait to come over and see it! I drove by yesterday but only got to glance and I need to take a proper look.