Sunday, May 15, 2011

Marriage Weekend

I would say that Bill and I have a pretty great marriage. We fight but only occasionally and we never let the sun go down on our anger. However there are the occasional times that I believe that we are just more friends then husband and wife but those are just feelings and they seem to pass by very quickly. It didn't help that during those moments it was because Bill was working between 10 and 14 hours per day and so seeing him was slim to none. Bill has since then switched to 8 hour days, 5 days a week. I actually get to see him home. I get to make dinner and not have to have him reheat it before he eats. I've been experimenting with food and different recipes. For those that know Bill, that is a huge step. We've felt closer is what I'm saying.

Our church this weekend though put on a marriage weekend. We watched a dvd of a pastor talking about marriage and about the applications of being married. It was completely well done and very interesting to watch. It opened my eyes to things that I never really thought of. I always wondered about the verse saying, "Men love your wives, women respect your husbands." I never understood that. Why didn't God command us also to love our husbands and husbands to respect their wives. Watching the video and going through this class opened my eyes to what that verse actually means. Women honestly and wholeheartedly loves her husband without waivering. Whereas respect doesn't come naturally. Men can respect men and women very naturally whereas they find it hard and not natural to love. Therefore that verse comes into play. My doing things without even thinking about it was very disrespectful to Bill. I never realized it and never thought of it in those terms. It opened my eyes for the better. I'm trying to watch what a say and how I act towards Bill so that I don't disrespect him.

I love how the speaker was completely funny and spoke the truth at the same time. Things that I have always takening advantage of knowing but at the same time never thought of. Women love to love. We wholehearted love everyone that we can, children, family, friends. We do everything we can to make our homes the best homes we can. Men though would die for us and provide for us. They feel called to work. Those last two sentences are so key. I have known that it was the truth but it was mind blowing when he said it out loud and multiple times making it really sink in and knowning that Bill would do anything for me including dieing for me. I have never thought of it that way and knowing that it is such a huge weight and relaxation on my soul. To have someone love me that much.

All I can say is that I love Bill and I love him with all my heart and I will try to do everything that I can to respect him in the ways that he wants.

1 comment:

The Cloth Addict said...

Nathan and I are catching up on the video at home from what we missed. It is such a great video. It's really opened my eyes, too. I also feel like Nathan and I have a good marriage, but this has really shown me ways we can make it even better. I didn't see a lot of the things I was doing that were actually coming across as disrespectful and could never understand why he would get irritated at me for doing something for him or helping him when he didn't need it, even though I was just trying to do something nice. I hope that made sense.