Saturday, January 22, 2011


So last nights dream was an interesting one for me. Now I can't remember every detail but I know enough of it that I'm going to share it. So out front in my yard right in front of the house i have a flower bed. For some reason we had a massive hole extending from the driveway to the end of the entry way the entire flower bed. The hole was 20 feet long and probably 8 feet deep. I was the only one home so I was the one that had to fill in the hole. I left the dogs inside and went out to fill the hole to fill it back in with a shovel. I then glanced in the window and saw Lucky, my dog, putting her head through the curtains standing on the couch looking out the window at me. Now my dogs are not allowed to be on the couches and no matter what I do I can't get them to stop coming up on the couch. So of course I'm upset and come back inside and yelled at Lucky to get off the couch and made her lay on her bed. I go back outside and begin shoveling the dirt filling the hole again. I look in the window and see the same sight Lucky on the couch looking out at me. So again I go in and yell at her to get off the couch. So this goes on for a few more times. Eventually I got so mad that I put Lucky and Pretty Girl in the bedroom and tell them to stay there and stay off the bed and closed the door so they couldn't get out. I went back outside and finished the filling in the hole. I came back in and went back to the bedroom. I opened the door and found both of them on the bed. They are again not allowed on the bed but unlike the couch they never get on the bed ever. So I came in with them on the bed Pretty Girl immediately jumped off the bed and then with incredible strength I took Lucky by the collar and started shaking her and telling her that she was bad. Now my Lucky is my dog, I love her very much and she is a black lab/golden retriever mix not a small dog. So me being able to pick her up and hold her is massively impressive. That's when my dream ended. I laugh thinking of the dream because I would never be that mean to Lucky ever shes my dog. This was such a funny dream to me.

1 comment:

Mama Griffith, said...

dreams are so weird....and yet entertaining!