Thursday, January 20, 2011

Criminal Minds

So Bill and I have been hooked on the TV show called criminal minds. It amazes me and slightly frightens me that there are people like what they show on the television that are out in the real world. It makes me not want to trust anyone at all that I ever meet. Some of the episodes are really disturbing. I'm glad that I have a God to pray to and to watch over me and my family and friends. It's sad to think what some people are forced to go through and see in their life. It is a good show but very sad. I like that they catch all of them it's the best part of the entire show. I've always been fascinated in criminology and this show it more about the physcology of the killers and if I went to college for what I was going to do. Boy, my life would be insanly different if I was doing that now. I'm kind of glad that I'm not doing anything close to that. I think I like to be a little naive to what really goes on in the world.

1 comment:

The Cloth Addict said...

I think I prefer to be a little naive too. I watched a few episodes of Criminal Minds. I usually enjoy shows like that, but they really creeped me out! I haven't watched any since.