Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life as we knew it when we were 14.

So do you remember in school when you had to create a chart or drawing of your life 20 years from now. It's been circling in my head for the past few days thinking, wow my life is so not what I pictured myself having when I was a 7th grader or even when I was in high school. Of course I did the usual. Finish High School, go to some 4 year College, get a job being a pilot or police officer or going into the Army, after that getting married probably sometime in my late 20's followed by having kids, and then lastly retiring when I'm 65 from some job that I had gotten.

But you know that when you make those they are pretty much all the same with everyone. How when you are 13 going to know what your life is going to be doing in 10 or 20 years. It's pretty much a waste of time. Do you really think that someone is going to sit down and be like I'm going to do drugs, then spend some time in jail, get out on parole, murder someone, flee the country, and live in the ghetto of some foreign country to where I eat, drink, and sell drugs. Of course not. Everyone is going to do the prescribed thing in their mind, what is ingrained into them since they were 5 years old.

So you see my life did a detour when I graduated high school. I did one of the things in the proper so called order, I graduated from high school. Instead of going to some 4 year college to become what ever I was to become I went to a year long program at the coast to decide what to do with my life. It turned out to be the best year of my life and I will never regret it. It is where I found my wonderful husband of 5 years and 3 months.

After high school it is where my life swerved drastically off the path that I had made when I was in junior high or high school but to the good. I have had great experiences living at the coast, getting things ahead of most people my age. Buying a house on the coast when I was 20 and making it my own with my husband. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten my dream job that I want but then again I don't know what I want in life yet. Just a myriad of things that I wouldn't mind doing. One day I hope to find out what I really want to do and go after it. Which I have in my head the idea I just need to pursue it.


Mama Griffith, said...


Lyssy said...

I feel ya. I did go to a 4 year college but wish I would have picked a different major other than Anthropology...something that I could have made a living doing. LOL. It's the twists and turns of life that make it interesting though :)