Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The New Biggest Loser Season

So tonight was the 2nd episode of the Biggest Loser!!! It is so much better then the last few seasons of the Biggest Loser. However there are some interesting differences or maybe not differences but its just showing up within more people and sooner. The crying is almost unbearable!!! It is just so painful to watch guys cry then girls. I mean I hate when I see Bill cry its almost like I can't take it. Growing up in this society has taught men not to cry and so as a woman when you see other women cry its not a huge deal and you feel more sympathy and you know for the most part how to help them. But when a man cries there is the chemical reaction that goes off in my head and it makes me laugh. Not that they shouldn't cry but in the society where men aren't supposed to cry it's just built in that when a man does cry it's like there less then a real man which in fact they aren't but it is just hard to bear and watch. I don't know what to do when a man cries because we treat men and women differently. Therefore when I watch the Biggest Loser and a man cries my physical reaction isn't pity or feeling bad it's laughter. I know that it's mean but I just can't help it.

I'm glad that the plot is different this year they really needed to do something different. I hope that they do some fun challenges within this years season. I can't wait until the next episode!


Mama Griffith, said...

Yeah but when the woman who lost her kids said two butterflys were following her the whole way, I seriously nearly lost it!!! it was soooo sad, and even though I would like to know how she does it Im not sure Im looking forward to fursting into tears every time she opens her mouth.

City Girl Stuck on the Coast said...

Yes she is the only person that can get away with crying!!! She is completely understandable. I think that I might have welled up if there weren't so many people around.

The Cloth Addict said...

I totally agree with you on the men crying. I can't handle it! I lost it when I watched the first episode and the lady was talking about losing her family. I can't imagine going through that!