Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I know that this is a tad late and that's a travesty but it's now or never. Saturday. The only saving grace to what happened on Saturday that slightly saved it was the fact that I at least got to hang out with Mama Griffith all day long. In hopes of going to the Seattle zoo (which I have never been to), getting her car back that only took 3 weeks to finish, and going to a lot of Starbucks only two out of the three happened. The beginning of the day started out good. On the way up to Mama Griffith's mother-in-laws to meet her sister-in-law to get her Volvo back we stopped at Starbucks and Walmart those 2 stops was going to have us be late, to our appointment time of 11, by only 30 minutes. Which was all fine because Mama Griffiths sister-in-law, I will give her the name of Molly that way I can stop writing sister-in-law, is usually late herself all the time. We got up to the house of mama griffiths mother-in-law, Mona, with Molly not there yet so we were thinking great at least we didn't make her wait around or have to sit there a long time. A big dark cloud was a foot. We walked in the door and Mona said Hi how about making some cookies. Both Mama Griffith and I were like we don't have time to make cookies if we are going to go to the zoo in a couple of minutes to a half an hour. Well it turned out to be 4 hours later that Molly showed up!!! 4 hours late!!!! That would have been a curtesy call to say that yes indeed I left an hour late and you should go to the zoo and I will meet you there. I almost died. If the 4 hours late wasn't bad enough there was a weird vibe that came from staying with Mona. There weird vibe between Mona and Mama Griffith was almost hard to take. It's like when there needs to be something said but no one is going to say it but they should to clear the air. It was that feeling. Now back to the 4 hours being late by Molly. Now granted that Molly also has 3 kids but to be 4 hours late I don't think so. She said that she took 4 breaks between her home and Monas to go to the bathroom. Now I asked Mama Griffith how long it usually takes a regular person to drive, 2 and a half hours. Now considering she left at 9:30 she should have been an hour late as it was to be there by 12. However she didn't get there until 3:30!! Each break we figured out that she took was 45 minutes long. Now I don't have kids and even though I don't I have my own ideas of how long a break should be maybe at the most 5 minutes if her son pied on the side of the road maybe 20 minutes if she had to take all of her sons into the bathroom at a place. I think that I would be a mean mother and make then pee on the side of the road if I had that many children and only one had to go to the bathroom. I have also talked to other mothers and they couldn't believe the 45 minute bathroom breaks either. So now the question comes up whether or not something else was a foot. Needless to say we switched cars loaded up the kids and took off back home. We made it about a quater of the way or less when the one kid who had his heart set on the zoo began to cry. We felt really horrible for him. The entire way up to Monas house was a constant question of are we going to the zoo and are we at the zoo yet which made having to tell him no we aren't going to the zoo today that much harder to bear. We ended up getting home at 8 as aposed to probably 6 or 7 or maybe even 8 depending on how long we stayed at the zoo. There was my tale. Like I said the only saving grace that was there was spending time with Mama Griffith.

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