Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First Time Mothers

First time mothers are an interesting phenomenon. Overprotective, over exhausted, afraid to do anything wrong with their children, afraid to drop them, etcetera. Now what I have noticed and heard is with the first baby the mother's tend to freak out. Now I'm not saying that I wouldn't because I'm sure I would do the same faux pas but some are just hilarious. First time mothers tend to wrap their newborns in too many blankets or clothes to where they sweat and the mother freaks out because they are sweating and why. Others are overly cautious with everything baby, you can't hold my baby until you have washed your hands at least twice.

They don't want to take their baby anywhere afraid that something will happen to them and then freak out that their newborn is going to get sick and catch a cold, getting some sort of disease from the outside world. It's funny to watch new mothers with their children. Being on the outside you notice things that mothers don't know that they are doing. Of course I can say that now not being a mother myself besides to my 3 animal children (2 dogs and a cat). I'm sure though when I do have a child I'll do the same faux pas things. I think that my faults are going to be horribly overprotective and concerned to make sure that they don't hurt themselves so who am I to judge what any mother has done with their child.

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