Monday, February 16, 2009

4 Day Weekend

So I thought that my perfectly planned weekend was ruined when Bill and I couldn't go up to camp but in fact it wasn't ruined it was just perfectly great. Now don't get me wrong I am sad that I couldn't go up to camp and play in the perfectly great, cold snow but this weekend turned out a lot better then I could have hoped for. I started out this last week depressed. One reason I really needed to go on a date with Bill and then when that got ruined because I wasn't looking at the time (The restaurant was closed by the time we got there). It got postponed till the next day. It turned out terrific. It was a wonderful date. Then there was the start of my 4 day weekend. Friday started off with me driving down to Tillamook to drop Bill off and then I proceeded to buy many movies from Fred Meyers. My favorite past time. Ruining into a friend, buying movies for myself and Bill, and then finally buying much needed birthday presents for 2 special kids. It was a fun day. The movies, I know you want to know, I got PS I Love You for me, The Rock for Bill and The Closer(TV Series) for Bill and I. I love all of those movies.

Saturday we stopped back by Fred Meyers because the pants that I got for Bill didn't fit and we couldn't find any good looking ones that we wanted so we bought other things instead. You guessed it more movies. I have a sickness I know. Bill bought me the Jurrasic Park Trilogy and the Back to the Future Trilogy. Instead of of bouquet of flowers he bought me a bouquet of movies. Then we took the dogs out to my parents house so that we could do our taxes and the dogs could play with there aunt (my parents dog). Taxes we ended up owing but it turned out fine. Then Bill and I went to Kinkoes got our picture taken for our Passports that we need to get. Finally on the way back home we called into Papa Murphy's to get our traditional heart shaped pizza for dinner. It was a magical night. Eating pizza and falling asleep to a movie.

Next was Sunday. We went to church and went to Snack and Yak which the church puts on and we got our picture taken with a bunch of hearts floating around our heads. It was fun. Then Matthew came over and watched Music and Lyrics with us. If you haven't watched it, it's a must see movie.

Monday. I got it off anyway because you know I'm a banker. I was bored. I tried to take my dogs down to the beach but that didn't pull off because there were so many people of the beach. Not going to happen with my girls. So instead I went out to lunch with my mother in law. It was fun. We had a great conversation and laughed a lot. Then back home to watch more movies because for the life of me I couldn't think of anything to do. It was sad. Now I'm off to make dinner!!!! Thrilling isn't it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Sounds fun to me. I'm excited for a free weekend this coming weekend. No Kids! I'm happy your weekend turned out so good even though it's not what you planned.