Monday, May 27, 2013


My life is flying by and the time is running so fast that I can't keep up with all the things that I want to do.  It's probably most likely just laziness with not being able to get things done but I still blame time.  I'm just so tired after work, before work, that I just don't want to do anything when I get home. 

Luckily though this week I have off so I will be able to get things done.  I get to actually clean my house and actually clean!!  I am going to do my first actual purge of this year this week.  Going through everything in the house and getting rid of all the things that we don't use anymore.  It will be so nice to not have the feeling of being cluttered and closed in.

It will be a fun time. 

I'm looking forward to getting my house clean after almost a year of just glossing over things.  I might even be inclined to take pictures after I clean everything up. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love time to purge and clean my house. And...if you need to or want to sell anything, I'm having a garage sale this weekend, you could always bring stuff by to try and there's that. Have fun!