Sunday, March 18, 2012


Japan is in TWO weeks!!!  Right now two weeks from now, a fortnight I will be either in Japan or on the flight almost to Japan.  I cannot believe that it is so close.  I have been freaking out slightly that I am going to forget something that is majorly important to my trip.  I know that I need to relax and just have a checklist or something but it's so incredibly hard to do that.  I did a trial run of packing and it went really well.  I actually had room in my suitcase!  Then that night feeling good about myself, my mom called and we discussed the trip.  Wow, did I miss a lot of things apparently.  I think that my suitcase will be extremely full and I'm not sure how I can get souvenirs into my bag but then again I haven't fully packed yet for the trip so who knows.  I might have to mail everything home!  It will be an event to always remember!!!