Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fireplace 2

As we "Bill" was laying the tiles down and up the wall we realized that there was about a 7 inch hole that we couldn't fit an entire tile without cutting it.  I decided that cutting a tile that we had to put in that hole wouldn't look the best so we took 2 tiles up to Home Depot and started playing around.  It took some time to find the perfect tiles.  I wanted glass tiles but they need to sparkle but not over do it.  Taduh!!  We found the perfect tile that matched the tile we have, but we were short one package so we found the decorative tiles and everything just came together!  I'm so excited about it all and it looks great very put together.  We still have to grout it which Bill will hopefully get to it today and then put in the mantle and drywall.  Yay!!  Getting closer and closer to being down with the fireplace project.


Emily said...

Nice! I love the decorative tile in there, that looks great! Can't wait to see finished pictures.

Mama Griffith, said...

wow looks great!!! looking forward to you comming up and visiting at the end of the month!

B said...

Love it!