Thursday, January 13, 2011

6th Anniversary Present

So....I just got my anniversary present today. I know that it's a couple days early. Our anniversary is on the 15th but Bill couldn't wait and thought that I could use it this weekend when we go away. He couldn't wait so bad that he actually brought to me at work along with a birthday check since his birthday is tomorrow. It was fun to open a present at the bank. He walked in with the box under his arm. All it said was Amazon on the box. I opened up the box to find another box. Which I was thinking that it was a computer but I didn't want to jinx myself until I was able to see it. Oh, it was great!!!!!! I love my new laptop. It's red and pretty!! I can't wait to see Bill's face when he opens up his presents. He is going to be so excited to find out what he got!!!

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