Sunday, June 7, 2009

Lost in Austin

For those of you who have watched the movie I'm sorry but it is the best title for this blog. RJ posed the question. Which character do you think you are most like for the book/m0vie Pride and Prejudice?

I think that I am most like Jane. Her quietness, her thinking the best of everyone that she comes into contact with, and doesn't show her feelings very often. I'm the same way as her. I tend to think the best of everyone until they personally do something to me. I'm pretty quiet in most respects unless I'm around people that I know really well then I branch out and become a little crazier but still reserved. I also try to not show my feeling to just anyone. However people that are close to me can usually tell when something is askew. I have really enjoyed the movies that I have watched lately and eventually I will try to read the book again to become completely lost in austin.

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