Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The gross day...

Womanly exams are extremely ackward and totally out of anyones comfort zones. The reason for this blog is because I had one today. I have been having problems with my periods and since I haven't had a womanly exam for at least a year so duh duh dun. Today was the day. So it wasn't as bad as I was thinking it was going to be n0w don't get me wrong it was ackward but I actually laughed a lot and had as much fun as someone could have with those things happening to me. I found out that my doctor is going on a cruise to Alaska the week after me which was really interesting and slightly funny and ironic. Since I had a papsmear done and some bloodwork today she is going to test everything today and get back to me on Friday of this week or the early part of next week. Hopefully she will shed some light on what is happening to my body and if she can't then she is going to refer me a gynocologist. So pray for some answers for what is happening to me and why I am not ovulating and my period problem.

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