Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So I have my bathroom curtains completed and hung up. They look so good. I, however, keep forgetting that they are there and always surprise myself when I see them hanging up. So I think that I need a girls night that way people can see them or you can just show up at my house.

Biggest Loser is on tonight!! I'm excited. I'm wondering who the drama queen is going to be this year. The silver team or if someone else is going to come out of the woodwork.

I'm sorry that my blogs are kind of lame I just can't think of anything else to say.


Emily said...

I'm excited to see your curtains! I love finishing projects and then being surprised by them every time you walk in the room.

Mama Griffith, said...

I love your lame blogs, at least you post more than once a millenia!

The Cloth Addict said...

Silly girl, you didn't show me your curtains when I was over on Thursday! I must come over to see them.