Saturday, July 5, 2014


I have been working out for the last month and a half.  Every day except for Sundays.  It has been so nice and I feel so much better.  I can tell that it’s worth it.  Now my weight isn’t going down but at least I can feel my muscles starting to tone up and eventually everything will fall into place.  That and I love, love, love food and have a hard time limiting myself. 

The bad thing is when I go out and actually jog on the street all I can think about are the people that drive by me.  My self-consciousness comes out of me and I think of all the things that they are probably thinking.  

“She definitely needs to do that.”
“Good for her.” 
“Really…she’s jogging.” 
“She looks funny.” 
“Definitely good that she’s working out.” 

Now, I know it’s all in my head and I shouldn’t be thinking of such things but it’s almost impossible.  I just need to get over it.  I’m so self-conscious while I’m jogging though.  It doesn’t bother me at all when I just walk around but add jogging, it does something to my head.  However, I’m glad that I doing it and continuing on track.

Here’s to continuing!!!!!!!

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