Sunday, May 27, 2012

The meal

So this entire meal was served to us in our room.  There were 6 courses.  It felt that it was just going and going and going.  Just when we thought that it was the last course another one came.  It was endless but so incredibly delicious and wonderful.  I cannot describe it at all.  Just amazing!!!

Lets the blue glass there is what my aunt calls fire water (it's plum wine), in the clear glass is seaweed, in the white dish is a sardine and i think gluten, in the light brown dish is shrimp and some sort of vegetable.

In the tall steaming bowl is soybean.  It was extremely good surprisingly.  I didn't think that it was going to be but oh so delicious. 

I love the dish in the background (green and white with palm trees).  In the dish was sushi.  Yum.  It was interesting.  Such a different texture and flavor then cooked fish.  I think in the bowl was like a miso soup.

Well there were peas in an orange sauce with a piece of onion. There is what I believe is a crab puff type thing and some vegetables.

Well let's see if I can remember I think that in the white dish is i think is soup, the other white dish is some sort of both but I can't remember.

The birdcage...well lets see I think that it is something like fried fish or maybe something else.  My mind is a little fogged about what it is.

This is octopus!!  It is extremely good.  There is also seaweed, and some sort of vegetable.

Well, In the red bowl there is steamed rice and in the colorful dish I can't quite remember.

Well, there is orange, strawberries, and green tea cake.  Very delicious.


Mama Griffith, said...

Yum!!! That food looks amazing and fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fantastic meal - except for the octopus!