Saturday, July 9, 2011

Eco, Green, Organic...*Eye Roll*

I'm so tired of hearing the words eco, green, organic.  People just throw the word around to sell things to make people change the way they think.  Granted I know things are most likely getting better by having them more economically made but I don't need to hear about it every time I go to the store.  It makes me not want to buy things that are probably better because that is the way everything is advertised.  If people say that I should get something because of a specific reason it makes me not want to buy it.  It's like have my mom telling me not to do something so I do it just out of spite.  So if they stopped mentioning the words I would be much happier.  I like not being in the know.  I guess I also feel this way because the world is already dieing and has been since Adam and Eve ate the apple.  I'm not to concerned with the world.  I know that God is with us and watching over us seeing everything that we do and already knows where it is heading.   I know a lot of people think that I'm an awful person but I have never cared and probably never will care.  However, if it comes to saving money I'm completely fine with that but I don't care if it's labeled as green or eco-friendly.  Yes it's my rant.  I'm watching a show on all eco-friendly things that are being done and I could care less.  My eyes are rolling as they are talking so I thought I would blog about it.

1 comment:

Emily said...

What really gets me ranting is when they want you to go out and buy all new stuff because it's "eco- friendly" and "green". Really? You want me to fill the landfills with stuff that is still perfectly good and go out and buy something new? No thanks. I'll re-use and re-purpose what I have! And don't worry, I still like you!