Sunday, March 8, 2009


These pictures are from finish to start because I have never uploaded pictures before so it is a learning expierence that is why it goes from finish to start instead of start to finish.

So some weekends are funner then others obviously but this weekend was a lot of fun. I got to watch a friend get a perm (which the hairstyliest just wasn't listening very well). I think that it turned out well except when she blow dried it. It really stated to poof out. Then we went to go get her a tattoo so that she could catch up with me. Since you know I have three and right now she only has one. The woman that was going to do the tattoo thought that it could be cooler if she had some time to work on it and make it better. Once she gets it on tuesday she will be closer to me having 2 instead of just 1. This weekend was great so far. It was a learning expierence when it comes to perms. I makes me want to grow out my hair to go have it permed in loose waves.

1 comment:

Mama Griffith, said...

ill get you someday!!! lots of pics...perhaps when your sunbathging in the backyard